>I've been on this list long enough to watch the use level of users as well
>as replies change in the last few months. It is to this issue I want to
>The reason this list is so very successful is simple: Respect. Most of the

>old Linux heads.like Civileme and Ramon  and Chamouel have been at this for

>a number of years.  They have real jobs and a real life. They have nothing

>to prove and do not need, or have, to respond to questions they've answered

>fifty times previously, yet they do and graciously every day since I've been

>on the list.
>You say you are frustrated: Answers don't come fast enough; bugs aren't
>fixed instantly; Java causes Netscape to crash; the install doesn't go well

>and devices don't work. I wish I had your problems.
>I'm a newbie too and I am just as determined to escape winblows as anyone
>else on this list, but my problem is just a little different. An illness
>left me with a memory loss that is less than enviable. So while some of you

>are unhappy with the answers you get I'm delighted when I can remember what

>linuxconf does.  When I am actually able to get into root and perform a
>simple function I am so happy I want to tell the world.
>Respect is the reason I've gotten this far.  The folks who have helped me
>were just as considerate to me as they have been to you. They took the time

>to write careful explanations that I could grasp and put into action; and
>for that I will always be greatful.
>I urge all of us to temper our frustrations with kindness to each other, for

>if we do not we will have just one more list that no one can learn from and

>the old heads will not come to our rescue.  You may not need me but I need

>you.  Linux is not easy to learn under optimum condtions without a strong
>computing background. Let's be patient with our shortcomings and with each

>To those who disagree I ask you to flame me privately. Mandrake rocks and so

>does this list. I'm willing to work to keep it this way. Please join me.

Right On!!!!

You GO girl!!!


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