My experience was that v6.1 of RedHat, and v4.2 of RedHat, but not v5.x
of Redhat were both more reliable / had few unpleasent surprises than

However my experience with RedHat tech support was so negative that I
shan't go back anyway, and Mandrake has lots of cool reasons to use it.

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Sean Armstrong wrote:
| > For the life of me, I can not understand why Mandrake continues to ship a
| > defective product. If their older versions had no problem initializing
| > cdroms and their new version DOES have problems initializing cdroms, then
| > why not correct that part of the code with the older versions part of code?
| > I'm no computer genius, but this problem is asinine. With a competitive
| > market for Linux distributions that is growing everyday, it seems to me that
| > Mandrake can't afford to pissoff their customers. For that matter, with the
| > ever expanding market of computer OS's, now up to 4 reliable ones, I would
| > think that Mandrake would try to avoid driving their customers away. Once
| > again, Mandrake rushed an unfinished product to market. I guess in the world
| > of computers you don't have to have a real business plan or even understand
| > business to get ahead for a little while. So, until Mandrake decides to
| > correct these issues, I for on am going back to the more RELIABLE Redhat
| > distribution. At least their head isn't THAT far up their arse. Good Day and
| > Good Luck.
| > SA
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| Sorry, but I just can't help myself...
| You think Mandrake is messed up and your going back to RedHat 'cause its more
| reliable - What ver of RedHat??? no version of RedHat I've seen can come near
| Mandrake, but if you've found one, please tell us all, as I'm sure I'm not the
| only one who wants to know.
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
Support                     Boycott
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