> I know this is way off topic but I wonder if there is a Linux version of
> bridge, cribbage and chess? I haven't been able to locate them. 
  Bridge is (i know something about that because my professor is an engaged
  bridge player) not much of a computer game; as far as I know there is only
  a small number of professional grade software products for the DOS/Windows
  Cribbage I can't tell you anything about.
  Chess: did you see the GnuChess+Xboard combo? It comes free with (at least
  Mandrake 7.0) most Linux distros. If you are ambitious, you can relpace
  gnuchess by crafty (a chess program which is said to be a bit stronger
  than gnuchess),
  Hope this helps,

Hans-Juergen Godau  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FB5 -- Wirtschaftsinformatik der Produktionsunternehmen
Uni GH Essen

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