On Mon, 26 Mar 2035, you wrote:
> I having trouble installing 2 cd rom drives. one is as cd-wr from Ricoh
> Anyone had done this before?
Both ATAPI? or is one SCSI or both SCSI? I think we need a
bit more info. However, what you MIGHT want to do (assuming
BOTH are ATAPI/IDE) is make sure that you have the line:
append='hdX=ide-scsi' (where X=drive that the CDRW is on)
in your /etc/lilo.conf and re-run LILO.
Second, link /dev/scd0 to /dev/hdX. Third, make a new mount
point for it, i.e. /mnt/cdrw and put it in /etc/fstab. Not
that you'll likely ever WANT to mount it, but...

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