if you cant get to another x-session with ctrl-alt f2 etc ... 
this may also help - I've used it to rescue my system on occasion.
Get a mini linux distribution like tomsrtbt (www.toms.net/rb) build it on
another machine.
Boot your system with this distribution installed on a floppy (boot from floppy
enabled in bios).
Once loaded, modify the /etc/fstab in tomsrtbt to reflect your hard drive's
partition location (you will have to use vi to do it):

/dev/hd? /mnt/yourmountpoint ext2 defaults 1 1  
(where hd? is the partition you are interested in)

make the mount point:  mkdir /mnt/yourmountpoint

mount it: mount /dev/hd? /mnt/yourmountpoint 

cd to the directory you need and edit those pesky files back to where they
should be.

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Well, you know already that you should never, ever be without a rescue
> disk.
> That said, just start and install in and use ALT-F2 (or F3, or F4) to go
> to another terminal window.  You should be able to patch up things from
> there.
> (At least this trick works with RedHat; I assume it will with Mandrake
> as well.)
> You're in a sorta "funny" environment, but you can probably stumble
> around ok there.
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> | Mandrake Helios.  This morning I did something really dumb. I had the 
> | following (part of the partitions):
> | 
> |     /dev/hdb7       /       ext2    defaults
> |     /dev/hdc10      /Venus   ext2  exec,dev,suid,rw 1 1
> |     /dev/hdc11      /programs  ext2  exec,dev,suid,rw 1 1
> | 
> | where Venus was an older RH installation.  I deleted everything on 
> | /dev/hdc10 and moved all of the files on /program to /dev/hdc10 and then 
> | renamed the two mount points in /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab.
> | 
> | Unfortunately when I attempt to reboot into Helios the boot hangs on:
> | 
> |     Setting /boot/System.map to the current running kernel
> | 
> | until I hit CTRL-C, at which point the boot moves on to:
> | 
> |     Booting other file systems
> | 
> | where it hangs completly until the three finger salute.
> | 
> | Using Explore2fs I find that mtab is now empty and mtab~ has the old file 
> | mount point information.
> | 
> | I have a floppy boot disk, but not a rescue disk.
> | 
> | Help!!!!!
> -- 
> "Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Brian T. Schellenberger                         http://www.babbleon.org
> Support http://www.eff.org.                     Support decss defendents.
> Support http://www.programming-freedom.org.     Boycott amazon.com.

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