Tim & Val Litwiller wrote:

> This should probably be in the newbie list, but since I don't have time
> for both I'll ask it here?
> What is the System.map file for? and does it matter if it is not the
> same as the kernel that i am running?
> I went back to a 2.2.13 kernel so I could apply the hpt366 kernel patch
> to support my Abit BP6 motherboard,  It works great hdparm -tT went up
> to 80MB/sec and 28MB/sec
> Also I no longer get the apic messages that the default kernel keeps
> throwing up, and the SMP kernel doesn't crash every 30 minutes.
> But every time I run top or some of the other system utilities I get a
> message that System.map doesn't match the current kernel.
> When I complied the kernel I did a make bzImage and then copied and
> renamed and manually edited lilo.  Would the proper System.map file have
> been created if I had run make bzlilo or make install?
> How can I generate this file now so I can use my working kernel.

When you compile the new kernel and make bzImage, two files are generated
that you need to copy to your /boot directory; 'System.map' (should be
right in front of you at /usr/src/linux) and the new bzImage you just
created (you will use the command 'cp arch/i386/bzImage

As to what the System.map file is for, I have my guesses, but I really
don't know.....

Michael Holt

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