Well, for win95b, you definately need the encrypted passwords, and
once you have those you have to smbpasswd as root to set up valid
passwords for the users you want in.

(I happen to have just gotten this working less than 30 minutes ago
myself so it's really fresh on my mind.)

If you are doing win95a (original win95), it ought to work with plain

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Hi,
| i have a linux-samba server installat and configured "enable plain
| password.." this works fine if i connect
| with my nt-workstation pc.
| now i have created a win95-boot-disk with ndis-network-drivers (from
| DriveImage Pro CD).
| I can not login on the linux-box "wrong password" on other NT-Servers i
| can !!
| can someone give me a tip ?
| i have also tried entcrypted passwords on the samba-server ...this also
| doesn't work !
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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