On Mon, 03 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Heeheeehee
> John, 
> Does it feel like your arm is being twisted to upgrade to AIR?  I
> have a PPro running like a champ on it, FWIW.
Hmm...only slightly. :-) This will (hopefully) be a
DUAL-PPro. I have both processors in there, but can't run
both at once, because if I do, it'll lock up on boot
scanning the IDE bus. :-( Oh, well... I know how to get
around that, so maybe I can use a stock kernel now... :-)
> BTW, the Netscrape on 7.0 is the most stable I have seen--Only
> once have I had my little watcher triggered...  the little script
> that sleeps and loops looking for a zombie lib.ld.so... to kill
> -9 style.
Kewl. That script would be lovely to have... :-)

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