To add extra users on to your system, there are numerous programs that are
simple to use, adduser from the command line (my fav) "adduser foo" and then type
"passwd foo" and give the pass at the prompt.  Or you can use linuxconfig,
DrakConfig, or kuser, to add users.  Just run one of those programs as root,
and fill, in the relavent info, login + pass is usually all you need.

Sudo is an entirely different beast.  It allows you to give certain root
privaledges to a specific user.  You might give a certain user special
privledge to extract source into /usr/local/src.  When ever I download a new
program as source, I extract the files into that directory, which gives me a
good idea of what I've installed myself or have tried to and failed.  Instead
of making the directory world writable or playing with the group settings, i
would just need to run something like kpackage with the command sudo preceding
it.  If you really want sudo, it's at  Just know it's
probably a security risk and you should read all the documentation on the web
page and that comes with it.  You probably don't need it.


On Mon, 03 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> i want do enable a user to create other user accounts and set their
> password.
> But i don't want to give this user the root access !!
> i assume i have to do that with sudo. But i can't find the appropriate
> man-page and files in /etc
> i have installed Power-Linux 6.5.
> do i have to install a additional package ?
> can someone help me to get this thing working ?

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