That really *is* odd.  Are you sure that this is consistent,
reproducable behavior?

Is this an ancient printer, perhaps?

I had an old one that could be either tractor-fed or sheet fed (like a
typewriter), and if switched into sheet-feed mode it would do that.

Is it possible that the linux driver is putting it into sheed-fed mode
but you have tractor-fed paper in there (does anybody still use that

Definately a shot in the dark here!

On Sun, 02 Apr 2000, you wrote:
| O.k. here's the scenario:  
| Linux-Mandrake 7.0 (GPL) installed on a Dell OptiPlex GX PIII-500 w/
| 384MB RAM
| Printer = Epson Stylus 640
| Linux-Mandrake is one of the few distro's that got my printer to work
| the first time, w/ no arcane wand waving and editing of /etc/printcap,
| or other nasty files.  I have gotten it to work, sorta, w/ SuSE, RedHat,
| and Corel.  Mandrake is just the easiest and most seamless.  Now for the
| problem.
| Under whatever flavor of linux that I have actually gotten the printer
| to work on, I have noticed a few oddities that don't seem to rear their
| ugly heads under Win98.  These are:
| A)    Every print job, the printer seems to take forever to get started. 
| Acts like it is cleaning
|       the heads, even for a simple one line text file.  I would rather not
| have to replace ink jet
|       cartridges un-necessarily.
| B)    It manages to not feed the sheets straight, about ninety percent of
| the time. It ranges from 
|       being just slightly off (~1/8 or so), to flat out crumpling the paper
| and jamming the feeder
|       (rare, but it does happen).
| Like I said, this doesn't seem to happen under Win98, but it seems
| present under any flavor of Linux.  I am using the stc600 driver.  Does
| anyone have any experience w/ a different driver working better?
| Thanks for your time,
| Monte
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