Wayne Petherick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Francois,
> below is a copy of my printcap file.
> Thanks for any info you may be able to provide.  It would seem that I can only
> print from programs that come with their own printer driver (such as
> wordperfect and staroffice) though a test print works fine.


Your printer seems correctly configured, can you try printing directly from
command line with "lpr <file.ps>" to check it. This is done by test print
itself with <file.ps> is /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/testpage-a4.ps

If it does nothing, try "/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd restart" when root.
Try "lpq" to see if daemon is running.

If it is runnning correctly, check startup of lpd with
"/sbin/chkconfig --list lpd", if you see 3:off and/or 5:off then try the command
"/sbin/chkconfig --add lpd" when root.

If nothing is running, send me "lpq" output and the output of the command :
"rpm -qa | grep ghostscript"

> Thanks,
> Wayne


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