Nom Sandgorgon wrote:
> I tried it.  Command line start..   debug screen... crashed.  I gave up
> after 3 tries..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Aldrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 11:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Netscape 6 pr1 Feedback Requested
> > On Wed, 05 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > > Has anyone tried out Netscape 6 pr1 yet?  If so, please share.
> > >
> > Yes. I've got a K6-2 3xx here with 32 mb RAM and plenty of
> > drive space. I downloaded and extracted it. I started it up
> > and it really didn't do anything. Looked interesting, but
> > that's about it. YMMV, though...
> > John
> >
I have a 64M Very Low Quality Testbed computer for looking at these 
things.  Even though I was on a slow computer, it performed reasonable 
fast after the initial setup

I used the archiver to unpack the software into /package

This script is called by the KDE icon I set up for it

cd /package
cd ~

AOL instant messsenger doesn't work--whether shipped broken or simply 
unimplemented, I don't care.  This seems to be a leading feature, AIM 
doesn't work.

https won't work--this errors out

My favorite killer sites, and 
seem to let it pass, except you cannot place an order without https.  I 
considered these sites hostile to Netscape 4.72

By trying https while I am composing a letter I was able to crash my 
message--it was inaccessible but closing it and clicking reply brought 
it back.

It is possible to configure.  I do not like the "Master Password" concept
it has to allow you to store passwords for many sites and email accounts 
in a single location and to activate them all with a single master 
password.  I turned it off.

I hate the sidebar.  It is as much fun as the Channel Bar in Windows 
98.  It provides news and a bunch of things and is customizable.  I 
customized it by removing everything and pushing its right edge to its 
left edge.

Then on mail I discovered that the silly sidebar is necessary because 
your accounts and mailbox categoris are listed there.  Also, when you 
delete all the messages in your inbox, you are sent to the LOCAL (their 
definition) box where you are shown more news ...  that was the first 
thing I had deleted from the sidebar.  NOt only is this confusing, it 
also means your "Get Messages" won't work because you are not in an 
account linked to a pop server or Imap server.

It DOES provide multiple mailing accounts with each having its own 
servers and defaults.

Frankly, Mozilla M14 was and is better.


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