Trevor Farrell wrote:
> The ongoing tradition of "weird & wacky" Ver 7.0-2 problems continues:
> Two new ones for you to dissect and enlighten me on (please)!
> 1) OK, by now you all know I've got a CDrom and a CRrw (right?) and that
> the CDrw works OK as a CDrom, but has some problems burning - but thats
> not the problem here!
> Now I got my sound card working I thought I'd use it to listen to my fav
> CD while working. Fine - music to my ears, until I popped a data CD into
> the CDrw to get a file - as soon as supermount mounted the Cdrw, my
> music died. The CD player kept on counting seconds, just no sound.
> Anyway, I fiddled with ejecting the CD and putting it back in, shutting
> down and restarting the CD player (the standard KDE one) and all I
> managed to do was lock up the Cd player so I had to use XKill to zap it
> good.
> Fine, I thought, lets use the M$ solution to get my sound back - logout
> - shutdown - reboot...

I think you found a combination that wasn't anticipated...

> Well, it didn't like that - timeout errors trying to unmount the CDrom
> (hdc) and the system stopped there - could not shut down! Eventually had
> to use the master reset switch (the off button!)
> Seems to do the same with or without supermount. Any ideas???
> 2)  LICQ doesn't like me using the shift key on a long line - invariably
> garbles the text I've already typed. Anyone else have that one???

Yes, everyone using the stock supplied Licq.  Get the newer
edition and qt2.1 from cooker and it will fix.
> Trevor


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