Actually, we've *already* solved his problem in a practical sense.
He's got his system operating as he wants it.

He's just indulging us in trying to solve the mystery of why it was
acting oddly in the first place, and a re-install won't accomplish

Also, w/r/t to your previous comment on the same topic, he pasted in a
big of his init script.  He seems to start at runlevel 3 and then get
mysteriously switched to runlevel 5.

Nonetheless, pasting in his entire /etc/inittab and /etc/lilo.conf
files is probably good advice . . .

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, you wrote:
| Of course, this all begs the question...
| Why spends days debugging this when a simple reinstall (an hour) would most
| likely fix it?
| That's one of the reasons I always design my systems so that I can reinstall
| the OS without destroying any of my data. One of the powers of Linux. I'm
| able to backup a few scripts, re-install the OS, and then restore those
| scripts. Less that 2 hours later, my entire system is back up and running.
| Of course, there's probably a simple explanation as to *WHY* this is
| happening, and it would be shorter to fix that... Once we know what's
| happening.
| Russ
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
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