Lane Lester wrote:

> Brian T. Schellenberger said:
> >  Well, of course, the zip drive *should* be 0,1 and the CD-RW *should*
> >  be 0,0, given that the zip drives on hdd and the CD-RW on hdc (unless,
> >  perhaps, you specified both of them on the lilo.conf in reverse order,
> >  but I'm sure you didn't do that).
> Actually, I included =only= the cd-writer (hdc) in lilo.conf. That's just
> one of the strange things about the unspecified zip (hdd) being
> "captured" by the ide-scsi thing.

I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask: You have set the jumper switches on the
cd-rom and zip drive to the correct master and slave configuration?

> --
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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