Are you trying to compile something?  Encrypt must be included with the
system, or it wouldn't work.  The passwd utility depends on this.  If you're
trying to compile, make sure you are adding the call for the encrypt
library.  It must be explicitly called, consult your How-To's and/or
compiler man page.  I think it is called with either -lcrypt, or -lencrypt.

But it is there :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell "Elik" Rademacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: [expert] Encrypt utility missing....

>Hey Guys.... guess what.
> Seems that the file utilty, encrypt is missing from the distro.  If it is
>not, where is that file located at?  For I cannot for life of me locate
>utility which I needed for my script for the adduser.
> So.. I hope you can locate it and point me to the correct direction so I
>can grab it and use it.
> Thanks.

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