Uhm, dpkg is Debian's package management?  In which case he found some very
rare RPM's

Tom Berkley wrote:

> Interesting. I have a complete kde install and there is no dpkg file to
> be found anywhere on my system. I also do not understand what you mean
> when you say that you installed a minimal installation.
> Tom
> PS
> Hint ( different from an insult): Most problems with linux are operator
> related problems. I have a very high iq, several degrees, and lots of
> experience with computers and this is still true for me. Careful with
> your assumptions.
> Charles Curley wrote:
> >
> > Arrgh.
> >
> > I have installed a minimal installation of KDE, with the idea that if I
> > need something I can just install it. This isn't working because the
> > dependcies don't seem to be enforced.
> >
> > Case in point: I decided to rey the KDE RPM manager, so I installed it. No
> > problem, except that when I go to find something, I get: "Kprocess error:
> > can't find dpkg." If you have to kave dpkg to run kpackage, shouldn't it
> > be a dependency enforced at install time?
> >
> > --
> >
> >                 -- C^2
> >
> > No windows were crashed in the making of this email.
> >
> > Looking for fine software and/or web pages?
> > http://w3.trib.com/~ccurley

Alwyn Schoeman
Systems Engineer
Prism Secure Solutions

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