On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Fabio wrote:

> Is this possible to do it without reinstalling  Linux ????
> I mean keeping all the things running  and at the end the space
> available for Linux will be 6 Gbyte.
> I know that winNT (via disk administrator) can do it, what's about Linux
> ??
> How can I add this space to may / or /usr directory ?

        what would I do? ok, if me, I would buy Partition Magic anda
resize one of your partitions.

        if you don't wnat to do so, then either I use the second vfat
partition to use with linux or resize it. to convert it, you need two
things: set it as a linux partition (with linux's fdisk, command t; use l
to see the values you have, use 83) and "format" if with mke2fs 8see the
man page for available options). to resize it, you can "start" reinstallin
linux, reach to where you redifine the partitions, resize the one you
want, and when youre sure that its done, (be carefull, I'm speculating
this will work), reboot without installing nothing. that should give you
empty space where it used to be the last of your resized partition. even
you can create the new partition with the installer, and I'm sure that it
will be done when you see (through console 2, ALT+F2) that the partitions
are mounted, and IIRC that's after it format the partitions.

        so, in one way or another you finish having a new ext2 partition
on your system. do with it what you prefer to do. I t could replace the
funcyion of an already partition you have, leaving you a smaller partition
to decide what to do with, or you can mount it in another place, say ,
/home, or even in other place and mooving and symlinking directories from
some full partitions to it.

        I hope it's clear, at least it was hard to type. good luck.

"No tire sus colillas en el mingitorio, las humedece y
las hace dificil de encender"
"Do not dump butts in the wc. They dampen and it makes
them difficult to light."
                          --Tom Sharpe, "Wilt on high"

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