Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:

> "Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:
> >
> > Matt Stegman wrote:
> >
> > > No, startx does not start kdm.  startx will start X, and load kde by
> > > default, or another window manager - you can use any of several tools to
> > > change this.
> >
> > Qué? In Mandrake, startx gives you kdm.
> No, it doesn't.

I think that what the person means is that Mandrake configured kde as the
default window manager and desktop.  This may have been through a user choice
made during the installation process, or the default the Mandrake distribution
which was installed.

To an unknowing user, this could cause startx to look like it gives kdm or kde
as the default.  Only by reading documentation on this does a person realize
that startx only gives or brings up what it's instructed to do so, through
configuration files, e.g. ~/.Xclients.  Without reading the documentation on
this process, many newbies to X and the wm's can easily think that startx is to

startx is a "front-end" and depends on configuration files, to know what to do.

To learn about startx and configuring which wm's to use or have a choice of,
people need to read the documentation on this, or wait until someone repeats

True, startx doesn't decide what wm is to be used, but it can seem like it does
for people who don't know what's actually going on.


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