
I have installed bind/named on my system and configured it to act as
cache-only. However, I have seen that the information is stored IN MEMORY. Ok,
this is not good news for me because I have a dial-up account and the servers
of my ISP seem to be quite slow (even slower than my local DNS). Do you know of
any way to make named store DNS information on disk? That would be a real DNS
cache. Maybe I should use 3rd. party programs.

Moreover, when named is started, everything is fine, but...

named[365]: listening on [].53 (lo) 
named[365]: Forwarding source address is [].1024 
named: named startup succeeded
named[377]: Ready to answer queries.
named[377]: sysquery: sendto([].53): Network is unreachable

What does this last line mean? What the hell is that "sysquery"?


Joan Ensesa

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