Am Mon, 24 Apr 2000 schrieben Sie:
> hi list,
> have discovered some missing files and a lot of false links in Air.
> Files in /usr/doc/kde/HTML/default/ are a lot of missing or false links.
> Some of the needed files are located in /opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en/default, but
> a lot of them are not here.
> Another thing I discovered, kdf isn't there (that is kdiskfree) whether on CD1
> nor in CD3 nor on the ftp-server.
> Another thing is a missing link on that : Checking for new hardware
> /usr/sbin/kudzu : error in loading shared libraries : lib : cannot
> open shared object file : no such file or directory
> Who, by the hell, has made a control on mandrake V7 BEFORE forwarding the CD's
> to print.
> Now, where can I get such missing files, and why are some docfiles in kde-help
> missing ? Where can I find all the lacking help-files ?
> Hope someone can tell me obout, wherte to find and how to correct that missing
> things on "Air"
> bye
> Hans Schneidhofer

Hello Hans,

kdf you will find at kde-download website as targz file; missing documentation
seems to be a problem within mandrake, perhabs you should understand that up to
mandrake 6.1(and 6.5) it has been an improved version derived from RedHat;
Mandrake 7.0-2 is most their own work, so I believe alot has to be improved but
for me it is still the best distribution I have tested (I have seen alot). I
guess they will improve their product very fast. If you are in need of any fast
help have a look to the cooker site, which you can find on the mandrake


Burkhard Zombronner

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