
I use mkisofs and cdrecord to create multisession CDs with my
weekly backups.

I have a CDR with already 2 sessions on it.

I get the offset for the new session:
$ cdrecord -msinfo dev=4,0

I make the image (foo.raw) from all inside /BACK to write it on
the multisession CDR in dev=4,0:
$ mkisofs -R -L -T -C 145740,157642 -M 4,0 -o foo.raw /BACK

Now I see some messages of files being ignored (because of ~):
Ignoring file diff11~
Ignoring file diff1~
Ignoring file diff0~
Ignoring file diff10~
Ignoring file diff12~
Ignoring file diff14~
Ignoring file diff13~
Ignoring file diff15~
Ignoring file diff16~
and so on...

But then I get this message:

**BAD RRVERSIONmkisofs: Nicht genügend Hauptspeicher verfügbar.
Not enough memory

And the program quits. It can't be the memory though. top shows:

Mem: 193104K av, 61720K used, 131384K free, 50864K shrd, 5676K buff
Swap:  120452K av   0K used,  120452K free    22420K cached

There is also more than enough free space on the CDR and on the

I can't make anything of that 'BAD RRVERSIONmkisofs'. I already
used this same version together with cdrecord for all my CDRs
and never had any probs.

Any idea?

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