
I'm admittedly a Linux Newbie, but nowhere near a newbie when it comes to 
machines and software OS'es...  I date back to MS-DOS 3.3 Days.

I thought I'd prevail upon the experts in the list.  I''m trying to get Lilo or 
Powerquest's Bootmagic to work as a bootloader.  Only problem is:  Lilo won't 
load and BM won't properly boot the Linux Partition. 

I have a 20 gig Hard drive, with 6 for Linux and Swap partitions.  LILO says 
can't be installed on a  partitoin that goes beyond cylinder 1024... thats a laugh... 
99% of the drives sold in the last five years have cylinders many times 1024...

Boot Magic can't properly Identify the Mandrake OS partition, and won't Boot 
into it properly.

Question: Is there a LILO alternative besides a boot disk or Loadlin, or is there 
some way to force bootmagic to ID the partiton right.

Sorry About his being a repost, but my previous msg had an incorrect date of Jan 2000 
on it... 
thought many may have discarded it.

Please respond to my email address as well as the List.

Also: Are there any good Mandrake Specific web sites besides Mandrakesoft?


   Steve Olson

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