Sorry, I should have replied earlier, but must have overlooked the thread 
until now.

If you're not changing anything that has to do with Linux - other than
Windows' nasty habit of erasing LILO from your MBR - then you can make a
very simple boot floppy.  

# cp /etc/lilo.conf /root

Now, change the first line in /root/lilo.conf to read


and run:

# /sbin/lilo -C /root/lilo.conf

Run the above with a floppy in the drive.  Try to boot with the floppy in
the computer.  It ought to work fine.

What have we done?

Firstly, we made a copy of /etc/lilo.conf, to avoid editing the
"real" config file.  

Second, we changed the config file to tell LILO to write it's boot sector
not to any hard disk, but rather to /dev/fd0's boot sector; the boot
sector of the floppy drive.

Third, we ran LILO to effect our changes.  The "-C" option is telling LILO
to use our changed config file instead of the default one

Now, when you re-install Windows, and your MBR is wiped clean, your floppy
disk will have a copy of it.  You ought to be able to boot from this
floppy without any problems.  Try it first, before you actually wipe the
MBR.  Also remember that the only thing actually on the floppy is
LILO.  There's no kernel, no root filesystem.  Nothing to load, so when
you do boot, you'll have to watch carefully to see if it accesses the
floppy drive.  The speed of the boot should be equal to booting off the
hard drive.

If you know your way around lilo.conf, you might make a small change to
it, as an additional test.  For example, you might change the image label
to "floppy-linux" and, when presented with the boot: prompt, press <TAB>
to see if the correct image name shows up.  This will be a better test to
see if it really is loading LILO off the floppy.

This process will not touch any filesystem on the floppy.  It only changes
the boot sector.  Thus, you can use any floppy you like, without risking
information loss - unless it's already a boot floppy.

Does this help?

-Matt Stegman

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