Coming from a MS background, the hardest thing I've had to deal with in
trying to learn Linux is the file permissions stuff.  In MS, everything is
open until you specify permisssions for it, but in Linux it's completely
opposite of that.  Everything is locked down until you tell it to be more
open.  This has always been a stumbling blcok for me.

I have Apache and PHP on my system.  Apache starts as root but child
instances are run as nobody.  In a PHP script I'm trying to make a directory
but am told I do not have the required permissions to do that (which would
mean 'nobody' doesn't have the correct access rights.).

How do I make /home/Apache/htdocs a directory that 'nobody' can create other
directories in?


Joseph E. Sheble
a.k.a. Wizaerd
Wizaerd's Realm
Canvas, 3D, Graphics, ColdFusion
Zanova, Inc.
Moving Business Forward.....

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