On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 04:54:42PM +0100, Ian Wales wrote:
-> I'm looking to bing linux into my place of emplyment (big time) but do
-> not feel to easy about it with consulting others.
-> We already use GNU/Samba and many others but not the OS.
-> I want to start with a DNS server. To do this I want a small base to
-> start from.
-> What is the smallest securiest installation I can setup for a DNS
-> server. NO games, samba etc.
-> Thanks in Advance.
-> Ian.

Almost any distribution should do the job. Look at the Linux Router
project. Also look at Trinity OS for your security.

Setting up a caching only DNS server is easy. If you want it to be the
authoritative server for your domain, that's a bit more work.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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