Thank you, Ron, this is a clear  answer and a clean solution. 

On Sun, 07 May 2000, you wrote:
> Piero wrote:
> > All the files in the Windows partition belong to root and have mode: rwxr--r--.
> > When I work under Linux I work under username piero.
> No, all the files in mounted FAT partitions belong to the user that
> mounted the partition, all can read, but only he/she can write to
> them.
> Find the mount line in /etc/fstab for the FAT partition, and add
> "noauto" to the options.
> Reboot, log in as piero, then mount the partition using the icon, the
> command line, or, better,  KDiskFree.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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