Civileme....but I never could make one that would work.  I
never got lilo to successfully write to the mbr of the ls-120
disc (120 meg cartridge).  At least not successfully enough to
be detected during boot where it reads the drive, but lilo
does not execute and it goes on by and tries the next boot


Civileme wrote:
> Piero wrote:
> >
> > I am uneasy not having a boot disk. The problem is taht, instead of a normal
> > floppy disk I have an LS-120. All the scheems for making boot disk that I have
> > seen request to format the diskette doomed to be used as boot disk.
> > So, I'd need to know
> >
> > 1 is it really necessary to fomat the diskette?
> >
> > 2 In case it is: how to have formatted trhough the LS-120 device?
> >
> > I tried to ask Mandrake (I have a package giving you the right to 100 days
> > assistance), but they weren't unable to tell anything useful. (This is actually
> > the main difference with Suse, thatI tried before trying Mandrake: at Suse's, the 
> > team was really competent and helpful)
> In order to have a boot disk through the ls120, you will need to
> use an ls120 cartridge.  The linux kernel mknod() function bombs
> on a normal floppy in an ls120.  So the ls120 will format a
> normal floppy but linux cannot write the boot sector on it.
> The trick is to format the ls120, then modify the mkbootdisk
> script to skip the formatting.
> There4 is extensive discussion of this problem by Civileme, Alan
> Shoemaker, and Dan Schwarzendruber for this topic circa December
> 1999.  Please check the archives for more complete details.  It
> was Dan who made his own boot disk from an LS120 cartridge.
> Civileme

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