Gary Bunker wrote:
> Alexander-
> Yeah, pretty much EVERYBODY has the same problem.  Netscape doesn't
> handle Java very well.  Nearly everyone I know of that uses Linux turns
> off Java support in Netscape to avoid having to kill the rogue process
> every 30 minutes or so.
> On 10 May, Alexander Feigl wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I have problems using Java pages with Netscape Communicator and MDK 7.0. (also
> > tried downloaded browser). NS crashes when loading a page with Java.
> >
> > Anybody have the same problem? Fixes?
> >
> > Alexander

I had the same problem.. HOWEVER, I've been running RH 6.2 for a while.

I don't know if this is a MDK problem, or something thats just gotten
RH left out a line in the X11 file that specifies fonts.. ( I'm sorry I
have this
written down somewhere but I cannot find it at the moment.. ).

It was something like the 100 dpi fonts were left out and if you loaded
a Java page that 
required this, instant crash..  One of my local linux buddies found it..
I was really frustrated since my companies homepage ( local TV station )
has a java app that
prints the nights features on a "tv" screen and it always worked

When I loaded RH 6.2 it crashed. I had to turn Java off also.. Until my
friend told me to
add the 100 dpi fonts.. Ever since then I have had NO Java crashes in

Perhaps, its the same thing??


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     Running RedHat Linux 6.2 and/or 
BeOS 5.0.  No Windows involved!

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