I wonder, I must have slipped up somewhere, because
when I went to install innd and innd-devel,
I tried to read news off of my localhost and
it asked for a username and password and
(doing this with netscape newsreader) 
it would not accept it.

So I am beginning to think that somewhere,
the setup files are terribly misconfigged
by some lazy idiot who did not care if innd
works or not.

I looked on www.mandrakeuser.org and there is
notthing listed, Altavista did not show shintola,
and the man page was incomprehensible.

I only want a few groups like maybe 1 or 2
so this is not going to take up a whole buttload
of drive space as would say all the alt groups.

Anyone here know of a utility that I can use
to setup the feed or where I need to draw the
feed from?

I don't even know what all that junk in the
config files means.

Many thanks

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