:~>Hmm, shouldn't there be a -k in the list of options?  My understanding
:~>of hdparm is that, without the -k, the settings may not stick.  I know
:~>on my system, I get the "Starting Hard Drive optimisations for /dev/hda"
:~>(and hdb) messages at boottime, but if I run hdparm to check the
:~>settings later, they're not set.  I've got relatively new drives, and
:~>at LEAST the 32-bit options should stick.

Have you tried the settings manually? What happens? I do not think HD-s
should be reseted after execution of this script. Strange. 


:~>On 22 May, Denis HAVLIK wrote:
:~>> On Mon, 22 May 2000, Colin L. Whipple wrote:
:~>> :~>It would also be nice to have a little more info about what the "hard disk
:~>> :~>optimizations" means.  Just how likely is it that problems will result from
:~>> :~>checking that box?  What is being optimized?
:~>> Instead of giving you a fish, I'll try to learn you fishing .-)
:~>> see "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime" file:
:~>>     if [ -x /sbin/hdparm ];then
:~>>         LIST_HD=$(grep '^hd.:' /var/log/dmesg|\
:~>>             grep -ivE '(CD.*ROM|DVD.*ROM|FLOPPY|TAPE|STATUS)'|cut
:~>> -d: -f1|sort|u
:~>> niq)
:~>>         if grep -i nohdparm /proc/cmdline >/dev/null ; then
:~>>             action "Hard Drive optimisations disabled" \
:~>>                 echo ""
:~>>         else
:~>>             for i in $LIST_HD;do
:~>>                 action "Starting Hard Drive optimisations for $i" \
:~>>                     hdparm -q -c1 -q -A1 -q -m16 -q -d1 /dev/$i
:~>>             done
:~>>         fi
:~>>     fi
:~>> ------------------------------------
:~>Illigitmi non carborundum

Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    

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