I like the fact that a user can not write to the dos partitions personally.

But what I do when I want to write to the dos partitition is go to system,
file manager (super user mode), use root's password and then I can do
I want to the dos partition without any trouble and from a graphical file

I think that is pretty slick and still keeps the dos partition secure even
me unless I make a conscience effort to mess with it.

Works great for the archiving of my mp3 files on the dos partition and
them from anywhere...my linux box or any of the other 3 computers in the
via samba.

Anyway, that's my two cents :)


Adam Talbot wrote:

>     Hi.  I've just setup Linux and I've got a user (me) that I want to
> give access to the dos partitions (/mnt/DOS_hda1...) but I can't seem to
> do that.  I've tried changing the owner of these partitions (chgrp and
> chown) but it says I can't do that.  I've also tried changing the access
> rights (chmod) but that doesn't work either.
>     I was wondering how I can give a user write access to these
> partitions?
> Thanks,
> Adam.

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