on 5/28/00 10:14 PM, Mike Zachry  wrote:

> My partitions are
> hdb1 as /boot
> hdb5 as /
> hdb6 as swap
> hdb7 as /home
> when I try to install RPM's now it says they need nnn
> KB on / filesystem. I have tried uninstalling some of
> the RPM's (about 10-20 MB of them) and still have
> 0.0KB left on hdb5. I can't figure out what is taking
> up all that room. I've cleared Netscape's cache files
> and that didn't help either.

if you use gnome file browser you can set it to show you directory sizes.
that can help you zoom in on just what is so taking up so much space.

#df -h 
to get a quick overview of disk space

log files can get big.
look in /tmp/logs


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