Michael Cates wrote:
> Why is it that certain Netscape functions don't actually work even
> though you get a indication they are?  I am refering to "Clear Cache"
> functions as well as "Clear History" functions specifically. Also
> I do not see a provision for clearing the Location Bar(I believe
> windows version does).
> The only way I see to clear your cache is to physically delete all
> the 25 generated directories in the cache directory and the next time
> you open Netscape they will regenerate. To clear history I have to edit
> that file as well. And where IS the Location Bar file?
> --
> Michael L. Cates
> Shreveport,LA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This PC powered by

Hmmm, I usually end up with 32...

I got tired of it and set up a cron job using webmin which runs
~/.netscrape once a day,  And ~/.netscrape is as follows:

rm -R -f ~/.netscape/cache

As to the mysteries of netscape and its behaviors, please
reference the netscape source which can always be found in
/dev/null.  I am developing a neat set of netscape questions....

Why does the cache make subdirectories to evade the 5Mb cache
limit I set?
Why does netscape java perform OK if I load 100dpi fonts and
crash frequently otherwise?
Why do I have to find netscape info at www.mandrakeuser.org
instead of home.netscape.com  --  font deuglification and toolbar
changes are all at MUO--what kind of inside track does Tom Berger
How did AOL manage to make a slower, uglier, more disgusting
thing of netscape with version 6?

Well, I do wish you luck.  I must say that while it may be beta,
Konqueror dances circles around Netscape even the Windows


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