On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Charles Curley wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 12:01:59PM +0100, Cecil Watson wrote:
> -> Thanks for the input everyone, much appreciated.  I found the problem due to
> -> a misconfiguration in my bru script.  BRU created a file called -B in /root.
> -> I tried to delete, but it won't since it see -B as an option(DOH!).  I tried
> -> to use the file manager under X, but it cannot find my font path?!  At any
> -> rate, I'll try and load Midnight Commander on the system(if I have enough),
> -> and try it that way.  Thanks again,
> Try:
> rm ./-B

another good trick is;

   rm -- -B

that's a common way to turn of flag interpretation...


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