Do you have a DNS server configured in machine #2?

-David Talbot

At 10:27 AM 6/8/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Civileme wrote:
>> Box # 1 gateway device is eth1
>> Box # 2 gateway is
>> on box 1
>> in /etc/rc.local at the end of the file
>> ipchains -P forward DENY
>> ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -j MASQ
>> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
>> Then either do the horrid reboot or type those commands in a
>> terminal as root on box 1
>> Now go surf on netscape from box 2 in relative safety.
>> You can get firewall scripts that lock down box 1 from several
>> sources--others on the list know where they are, but this will
>> get you started.
>> Civileme
>Box #1 gateway is eth0   (set by DSL ISP)
>Box #1 NIC to tub is eth1 (
>Box #2 NIC to hub is eth1 (
>Box #2 gateway is (box #1's eth1)
>Well I tried this last night and nut'in honey, hmmm.  From box #2 I tried 
>my webpage (hosted elsewhere) and ping returned with a YPBIND error 
>something about
>domain not bound.  Ah well back to the drawing board.
>Joseph S. Gardner
>Handi Krafts
>Linux is like a wigwam...
>No windows, no gates.
>Apache inside
>Registered linux user #1696600
>ICQ #63389227

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