On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Stephen@Home wrote:

> I just got my Shaw@home a couple of days ago and I don't think its that bad.
> The up and down speeds are just fine and even though its dynamic ip's they
> don't change very often so I can telnet/ftp/httpd/x session anyway.
> BTW I'm in Calgary.

Hi Stephen.  I had all kinds of problems with Shaw over the long run (I
used them for a year).  Servers going down, the backbone disappearing and
losing my connection, etc.  I wasn't too concerned with the dynamic IPs
because my machines were up 24/7, but having static IPs make running the
Freezer Burn website a little easier.  =)  Besides, going out to Sask
before going anywhere else (even somewhere local to me) wasn't my idea of
good routing for packets.  =(  I don't know if you have the same problem
down there since that's where Shaw's head office is situated, but you
should try a few traceroutes sometime just for kicks to see where your
packets go before they hit any given site.  I was always going thru Shaw's
machines in Edmonton then Sask before hitting anywhere else.  =(

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