On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Ted Wager wrote:
> >> Iam buying a new h/drive for my machine.It has a Maxtor in at the moment but
> > > I need another drive...I know Ican read the h/ware howtos but they are not so
> > > up to date......Any info on recommended drives or ones to steer clear of  other
> > > than Western Digital would be welcome...
> Hi..
> Thanks to all who offered advice on the drive...A local vendor has offered me a
> Samsung and  a Fujitsu to try out...

FWIW my new Fujitsu is the quietest drive I have. I had one of their drives
die a year or so a go and it was promptly replaced, hassle free, w/ 1 call
to Fujitsu on an 800 #.

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