Hello experts

My initial impression of the installation of Mandrake 7.1 was very
positive.  I was eagerly interested in testing XFREE86 4.0, Netscape
4.73 and some new additions of KDE.

I tried to istall the new kernel 2.2.16 and screwed up so I had to

My Internet connection is broadband fast-ethernet and a LAN. That
explains why I have downloaded the whole of Mandrake to a harddrive
partition, and install from there. This LAN is used by a large
collection of students from a local technical college with special
interest in computer science and tele-communications. One of my sons was
once visiting such a student while he was sniffing the LAN to collect
passwords. So I try to stay completely secured.

I choose to exclude GNOME, other window-makers, all web servers, all web
administration, all databases, emacs and xemacs. The installation was
going on while i did other things and only controlled now and then.
To my fine surprise the installation program happily installed SAMBA,
gnome webmin and other stuff. I was pissed off and jumped out of the
installation and reinstalled 7.0.2

The installation program seems to be a hacking c-code, i.e. the
c-functions are not waiting for a confirmation that the messages sent
are really succesfully written.

I started using REDHAT 3.0.3, and I am accustumed to choose what I want
to install and not to be treated by a omnipotent BILL GATE structure
that tries to sell me things I don't want.

Try something similar to SuSE, that is keep the old installation for
those who wants full control.

Keep the evolution alive - allow for differences.

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