Here's some things to check for:

- IP Masquerading is on
- forwarding is on for the address of the virtual machine
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s 192.168.x.x/24 -j MASQ
where 192.168.x.x is the IP address given to win2k
- Gateway on the win2k vm is set to the vmware IP address (not the
external address) of your linux box (if your vm is, then
your machine would be

Good luck, hope this was of some help!

--- "LinuxMan :-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all !  :-)
> well ,  here goes :
> a am running mandrake 7.1 on my amd 700mhz box , and i have vmware
> installed
> running win2k.
> samba is working just fine and the 2 Os's are pinging each other and
> sharing files.
> i can browse from the vm to Linux but i cannot browse from the vm to
> the
> internet.
> i think i went over everything , but i still cant figure why (the
> hell)
> i cant ping anywhare outside
> my local machine.
> the linux box is also the gateway to the vm machine...
> any thought's ?
> --
> ----------------------------------
> Best Regard's ,
> Amir Tal,
> System Administrator
> Intercomp Ltd.
> Cell : 051-473382
> Office : 09-9526993.
> Have a Nice Day...    :-)
> ----------------------------------

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