Greetings, Linux-Mandrake users!

I'am using recent bind-8.2.2P5-6mdk on my masquarading linux-Mandrake v6.1
host .

I have probably paranoic question.

The command 'netstat -a | grep udp' issues among known hosts:ports following

                        udp     *:2826    *:*            (After each restart
of named port number is incremented)

Then with 'lsof | grep 2826'  I found that this port is used by named:

                        named    21250    root  4u  inet 3154123    UDP:2830

What does this extra port ?

BTW: 1.     when I upgraded bind, and tried to start it, named complained
about lack of 'nobody' group
           2.     commands 'ndc start' and '/etc/rc.d/init/named start'
behave diffrently: later runs named wih -u nobody -g nogroup and the first
one starts named without these options.

Thanks for reading this,


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