On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 01:03:31PM -0400, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
> I just tried this with 7.0, and got the "permission denied" responce as well.
> Try becomming a superuser, then the other user and it will work - but you
> will still be logged onto your first user's home folder.
> So using user1 and user2 for the two user id's, when you log in as yourself,
> you will see [user1@localhost user1],
> then become the superuser, [root@localhost user1],
> and filally become the second user, [user2@localhost user1]
> If I understand correctly, the denial of permission to direct user id changes
> is a security feature which keeps regular users from switching their identity at
> will (even if you know the second user's passsword).
> If you know another user's id and password, this is not much of a hindrence,
> but it is still an inconvenience to have to log out and then back in as the
> other user. However it does prevent non authorized user id changes.
Hello Ernie,

i login as superuser! (root) on console 1 !! 

Then i want to switch to the user frank.

su frank

and i get the /dev/tty1 Permission denied.

but the user id has changed... Why i get this message??
(with Mdk 7.1).

Andre Steden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - GPG ID: 332441FB

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