On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 01:34:40AM -0700, James Sparenberg wrote:
-> All,
->    A question which may or may not be in the right place but here 
-> goes.  How can I obtain a bare bones no and I mean no frills install with 
-> the new loader.  No X No mp3 players nothing but base linux.  It boots, I 
-> can get the net, telnet and ftp are available, a minimal install.  From 
-> there I can install only what I need.
->    The reason is, is that I'm putting it on an older box with a 500meg 
-> drive and although I know I could take the microsoft solution and just "buy 
-> more space"  I'd rather just have the minimum, all this box is going to do 
-> is firewall and routing. (Old 486 AMD 100mhz)  So I have no plans for 
-> getting fancy.

Try tomsrtbt, the Linux Router Project, and other Linux-on-a-floppy
disties. Of course, those may be a bit too sparse for you. :-)


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