Well, that depend on how you set up a regular NIC, I guess.

I set up my PCMCIA by hand using the scripts from RedHat 6.0 or so, but
this is not the "Mandrake way."

Basically, when you plug the PCMCIA in, it should be set up as eth0; you
just have to configure eth0 using whatever GUI Mandrake supplies for
configuring ethernet cards.  Or at least that's how it should work;
that's how it worked in RedHat 6.1, anyway.

Eric Peters wrote:
> allo all,
>         I'm a newbie to laptops and need some help setting up the network on
> it. It has a 3com pcmcia nic modle number 3ccfe57bt-d in it. And I'm not
> sure what the first step is? Do you net it up like a regular nic and if so
> what mod to use?
> Any help would be great. :)
> Thanx in advance, Cheers.
> --------------------------------------------
> Eric Peters     Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> System Admin Network Operations
> Inherent Technologies Inc.
> office (503)224-6751 ext 224
> --------------------------------------------

"Brian, the man from babble-on"              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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