I'm running telnet as a user, not root. If I 'tail -f messages', and
repeatedly do 'telnet localhost' nothing shows up. Is there anywhere
else telnetd might send error messages?

Gavin Clark wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd check /var/log/messages for clues.
> Are you trying to log in as root by any chance? It won't let you do that.
> Gavin
> on 6/17/00 3:36 PM, Joel VanderWerf  wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm running Mdk 6.0 at home and 7.0 at work. I can telnet into the 7.0.
> > But I can't telnet into the 6.0.
> >
> > (Before anyone suggests using ssh istead: I do use ssh exclusively at
> > work. I'm setting up a local network at home, not connected to the
> > internet, and I want to run the MI/X X server on a Mac. So telnet is
> > fine, AFAIKBIMBW.)
> >
> > What happens is:
> >
> > $ telnet localhost
> > Trying
> > Connected to prairie.grass.
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > Connection closed by foreign host.
> >
> > Same if I use the local network IP address.
> >
> > I've watched in kpm to see what processes are actually starting (had to
> > set the update rate to 100ms), and in.telnetd does run, for about 2sec.
> >
> > There's no problem with telnet from this guy to other locations on the
> > internet (except the security problem, of course).
> >
> > Here's the files that I think are relevant:
> >
> > /etc/inedt.conf has this line:
> >
> > telnet  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd
> > in.telnetd
> >
> > /etc/hosts.allow has just one line:
> > ALL: ALL
> >
> > /etc/hosts.deny is empty
> >
> > After these changes, I did the following:
> > # killall -HUP inetd
> > # /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart
> >
> > I even tried rebooting.
> >
> > Then I try to telnet and get the message shown above. I'm stumped!


Joel VanderWerf

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