LinuxGeek wrote:

> heya all !! :-)
> i am running mdk 7.1 on my machine at work....
> i want to mount a volume from another Linux machine (RH 6.1) on my local network.
> when i am trying to mount  i am getting this :
> [root@sysadmin installs]# mount -t smbfs //mail/hda /mnt/mail_machine
> Password:
> tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname
> SMB connection failed
> mount: backgrounding "//mail/hda"
> [root@sysadmin installs]# Password:
> tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname
> SMB connection failed
> this is NOT a password issue....any thought's anyone ?
> ----------------------------------
> Best Regard's ,
> Amir Tal,
> System Administrator
> Intercomp Ltd.
> Office : 09-9526993.
> ICQ : 15748705
> Have a Nice Day...    :-)
> ----------------------------------

i presume you have samba running on both machines and that the share is
visible from elsewhere. what is the hostname that mail resolves to? it
must be the same as the mail machine says it's netbios name is. for
example it must be in an /etc/lmhosts file or in /etc/hosts. have you

smbclient -L //mail -I xx.xx.xx.xx

where xx.xx.xx.xx is mail's ip. if this works and mount doesn't then the
netbios names don't match. if this doesn't work either, then at least
one the machines (samba) isn't configured correctly. can you access
shares on this (not //mail) machine from any other machine? if both
machines can talk to other (say windows) machines but not to eachother,
you can always use nfs.

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