I have lm 6.5. installed to half capacity of 2 gig hda3.
I usually run korganizer, staroffice5.1  from turbolinux, and recently, cbb and then karchive. First problem occurred when working w/staroffice which suddenly did not allow me to enter data into spreadsheet cell. Then seemed OK when restarted staroffice but reported no room when I tried to save work. Then I fiddled w/ karchive which window SOMEtimes only show what I want archd. finally, I checked kdisk??? and surprise, hda3 was full to capcity.
I dont know what to check.what could fill it up so fast?
Now no X, no console on restart. X failed, else OK on shutdown.
Anyone any idea?
NOTE: I also installed kudzu early w/dependency properly linked.Runs OK evry start.
Thanks in advance.  

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