The x86 distribution binaries are, by default, compiled for Pentium 
(i586).  You can always grab the source rpms and do rpm --rebuild 
--target=(i386,i486,i586,i686,etc) *.src.rpm

At 12:11 AM 6/22/2000 -0600, you wrote:

> > > I am very surprised that SSH is not standard in the
> > > distribution, or did I miss something ? I guess it does not
> > > really matter since I will install openSSH anyways.
> >
> > It can't be included in the pre-packaged Linux distros for legal
> > reasons.
>Ok, so at
>I see openssh-2.1.0p2-1mdk.i586.rpm and other files.
>The latest openssh is 2.1.1 at
>Just for the sake of understanding, what does Mandrake do when they
>create a custom version for LM ?  Is is mainly just the Pentium (i586)
>optimization, or is there more involved ?
>This question would apply to any rpm applications ...
>What difference would there be if someone used a regular rpm instead
>of the *mkd.i586.rpm versions ?
>I'm sure that not all applications need to be Pentium optimized, so
>how can we tell the difference ? .... just curious :)
>Thanks... Dan.

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