hi !

the difference is simple :
pop3 is the server that you use to get your mail (port 110)
smtp is the one that you are sending mail with....(port 25)

in order to have a full factional mail server , you need to install both... :-)

Sevatio Octavio wrote:

> I'm looking at setting up a mail server but I'm a bit confused about a few things 
>(regarding this subject).  What's the difference
> between SMTP and POP3 servers?  Is one dependent on the other?  Can they both send 
>and receive?  Are some of the POP3 servers easier
> and quicker to setup?
> Seve

 _|_|_     Best Regard's ,
  ( )   *  Amir Tal,
  /v\  /   System Administrator
/(   )X    Intercomp Ltd.
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