On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Hey, I'm a radio engineer by trade, I only do computers out of self preservation.... 
>so don't 
> be TOO rough on me ok?
> I've tried all the conventional methods I can think of.  I MUST be missing something 
> really stupid.
> I have 2 home PC's connected via a linksys 5 port hub to a netgear 328 ISDN router.
> Everything works fine using WIN98, but when I try to make my computer work in
> Mandrake mode.... 
> I am using LinuxConf to set everything up.
> Everything is using static ip's, so it should be fairly straightforward.
> I can ping my workstation's (host's) ip address, and it comes back fine.
> But when I try to ping the other workstation or the router, it pukes. 
> (you know, the ret-1 "I just don't see it out there Doc!" message).
> I believe my network card is working ok, as it works in windows, and 
> it DOES ping the host ip address.  So I think it's something in the setup.
> I assume I am doing something wrong with either the DNS specifications or the 
>Routing /
> Gateway info. Or is it possibly a hardware conflict??
> The Network card is an SMC EtherCard Elite 16 Ultra (8216 series), and I set
> it up as an SMC Ultra (??? or is that wrong ???) running on IRQ 10.
> I am using the same numbers (IP/Gateway/Subnet Mask) 
> in Mandrake as in WinBlows, but I just can't get it to speak
> to the other equipment.
> So I guess the crux of the question is:  Just HOW stupid AM I, and why can't I get 
>it to 
> work?
Ok. I've got much the same situation here. I've got an
RT328 here going between three computers -- 2 Winblows and
one Linux.

Make sure your gateway IP in Linux is set to the IP of the
328. Make sure your gateway DEVICE is set to eth0 (assuming
one NIC in the Linux box.)

Try "netconf" from a console window. Or "netconfig" from
the console.... assuming both commands are still valid in
Mandrake. I haven't used Mandrake since 6.0 when all the
commands were the same as RedHat. Or, try DrakConf. It's
supposed to be pretty beefy.

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